Country List

6/10/2013 | by smslanka.

Here you can find information on SMS and phone dialing information country wise. We have provided much country information in this page while our team is working hard to give you more pages to fulfill all your needs. If you find out that we had missed something please take little time to inform us about that or any error that you had found in our web site.

Currently we have given information on the important countries in the Europe, Asia Africa and the North America.

Take note don't use 0 in between the country code and the mobile phone, when you are trying to call a mobile phone in another country.

Mean while we welcome your articles on this page topic on any country. If it is useful for our readers we will publish it here as soon as possible.

Here are some facts about the world wide SMS.

It is now 20+ years for the SMS text messaging invention.

Most number of text message sending countries are America and China.

During the festival season is Philippines is the country which used to send highest number of message between mobile phones.

As the mobile phone users' numbers in Asia and Africa are increasing, it had made the text message usage to its peak level in these regions.

Smartphones Apps and Tablet Apps had reduced the number of traditional SMS sent and received in most part of the developed countries.