Get FIFA World Cup Alerts.

Get FIFA world cup alerts through your mobile phone while you are on the move. You can get text messages that will give you the latest score and happenings in any of the foot ball match under the 2014 series.

These text message news alerts will be available as usual in Sri Lanka for the mobile phone users from the mobile phone service providers at the regular price. To get these football alerts they must register with their carrier following the instructions to get the news alerts. The pre fixed fee will be charged from you for this service by the provider.

For example to get Dialog world cup alerts you must send SMS by typing FOOTBALL and send it to 678 through your Dialog mobile phone just before the beginning of the match series.

Like wise if you don't like to get that information, you can remove your self by sending a text message to 678 with the words DE-ACTIVATE FOOTBALL.

All the carriers in the football crazed nations are expected to provide this short message service during the season to update their customers through their breaking news facility on their Smartphones and cellular phones.

2010 foot ball world cup was held in South Africa where 32 countries did participated in the event where 64 games were played to select the world cup champion. The Spain won the champion cup for the year 2010 beating Netherlands. The next event will take place in the year 2014 in South American country Brazil.FIFA World Cup Alerts.

It will start officially on June 12 and will close with the champion match on July 13, 2014. The complete match schedule will be announced later.

As the hosting country Brazil will automatically qualify to participate in the 2014 championship where 166 national teams are in the pool to get their place in the finals to be played in Brazil.

Matches will be held in the cities of Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Cuiaba, Curitiba, Fortaleza, Manaus, Natal, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and Sao Paulo. Altogether 12 numbers of stadiums located there will host those football games between nations for to get that prestigious Gold Cup.

When to buy 2014 football world cup tickets?

According to FIFA web site "We inform interested parties that tickets for the event in four years cannot be purchased, pre-ordered or reserved at the present time. FIFA will publish all the relevant details and information once ticketing arrangements have been finalised.".